Sunday, October 15, 2017

The Divine Artist Is Always Creating

One is not defined by perfection. Nothing is in its ideal form. To reduce something to the ideal is to freeze it. However, when you arrest something in it's progress in this way, you kill it. The constant of reality is movement. 

In the beginning the world was formless and void. The creation story is about the Creator bringing form, and thus purpose to this void. To observe the follow on stories with any amount of honesty is to see this process of bringing order from chaos and meaning out of the void is continued in various and complex permutations. Thus no single instant can be reduced to anything other than the part it plays in the whole. 

This is not to say there is no right or wrong. There are in fact things that bring life and things that do not bring life, and to assume otherwise is to be as equally imperceptive as reading the scripture without recognizing the constancy of both change and the creative process of the Father. 

However, we come at this life giving impulse from a meta perspective, and in a transformational way especially when we forgive in the instant what transgressed us, as it too can be redeemed. This forgiveness must also be applied to the self. We can indeed by grace transcend that which once bound us. 

We choose to participate accepting that things are more than the sum of their parts. In faith I accept and choose to participate with the Creator because I believe the Divine Artist is still creating. 

1 comment:

  1. Your post reminds me of the change and growth that monarch butterflies undergo, only if they make the most daring journey of their lives in mass migration. Anything from structural changes in their wings to ability to gauge time by sun angle, they develop those skills only while on the journey. If we summarize our lifespan, I think it is much the same. In all difficulty we grow in character and skills needed for the journey. I imagine for some, only if we have the courage to enter our journey, accept mistakes are inevitable, and then humbly reform - all by grace - do we meet our destiny.
