Thursday, November 23, 2017

Alternative Thanksgiving

On the surface, it appears the current obsession in the Modern World is evaluating and coming to terms with the past, mostly the shameful parts. This is useful in so much as it is important to cast off the polite fictions we use to convince ourselves of inherent superiority, manifest destiny, or self referential virtue. However, as C. S. Lewis said, "It's not out of bad mice or bad fleas you make demons, but out of bad archangels."

Looking closer, it becomes more obvious the current obsession is judging the past in terms of the present, and especially taking a biased selection of past events to confirm present narrative.  It's true that much of public education glosses over, or ignores anything other than signal events. We learn that the Pilgrims came to New England, but we don't look at daily life for Native or Euro-Americans.  We learn that the Civil War was about States Rights, specifically the right to own slaves, but we don't hear much in the voice of former slaves, or  drafted Union soldiers, or immigrant New England housewives back home for that matter.  However, all this so called hidden information is actually there if we look.  The issue isn't that it is being suppressed, but that it is being ignored.  The problem isn't that it is dangerous to teach it, but that it is easier to not pay attention, not in favor of some dominant power structure, but simple distraction, at all levels, including those who hold fashionably negative views about the colonial past.  Thus just as manifest destiny and inherent superiority did two centuries ago, narrative masked as justice fills in now.

The reality is this oversimplification of understanding, in-group favoritism as defined by whatever the fashion of the day is, and corresponding rejection of those who are not "in" combined with ignorance of history to justify current bias is nothing new.  The Greeks and Romans, and the Egyptians and Sumerians before them had their iconoclasts, cultural awakenings, and progressive regimes seeking to usher in a utopia, as has every other long lived mass civilization to our present day.  Meanwhile, a glance at history simply confirms this. 

A glance at history also confirms the futility of these efforts.  Even though the arch of progress is positive, the down trends carry away far more lives the higher up it goes.  Just look at the signal events, which are mostly related to wars.  However, we must look past signal events here too to see the whole story. 

The further truth to refute the dangerous notion of inherent superiority is fairly simple for the majority of us to find if we simply look at our own families.  It is a fortunate and possibly non-existent person who, growing up, had no bad experiences, was never disappointed by parents or siblings, does not have an aunt or uncle who is broken in some way, does not have criminals in the extended family to name a few banal examples.  Going farther back, in every culture, in every period in recorded history to include the current one there were rapists, murders, slavers, drunks, prostitutes, war criminals, abusers, womanizers, oppressors, losers, outcasts, slaves, and even sacrificial victims.  Many of these people had children.  It is staggeringly likely that all of us carry the genes of such ancestors, if not in living memory, at some point in our family story.  Jesus certainly did, and they are named in His genealogy. 

We are all, at some point the product of those who have done evil, who have contributed to those down trends in the arch of progress, and certainly from their victims as well.  If we look even closer, we will find we too fall short of any sort of ideal imaginable.  We have all hurt, been hurt, manipulated, been played, and carry scars, regrets, pain and disappointment.  Suffering, though more spectacular for some than others, is a universal human experience, and so is committing evil.  

However, here we are.  Some better off, some homeless alcoholics.  Some freeing the oppressed, some recovering from trauma.  Some trying to mend their wrongs, and some still ignorant of theirs.  We substitute narrative for reality to make sense of it.  To bring purpose to the pain and suffering.  But it is a delusion when it doesn't attempt to take into account as much of reality as it can.  If we aren't careful, we descend into vengeful, petty, self centered, and self imposed suffering.  The alternative is freedom, as no one can compel us to to respond any other way than we will to a circumstance. 

Thus the narrative I substitute for chaotic evil is one of thanks.  It is a powerful narrative because I am the one in control of it.  Though I am the product of suffering, and evil, though I have fallen short of any ideal, both through my own choices and the actions of others, I am thankful, and I have the choice to be thankful.  I am thankful because all these variables have contributed to my life, and to my current moment.  These inputs have given emergent rise to non-linear potential.  Potential that every human life shares in its basic substance, even the homeless alcoholics.  Even you. 

Happy Thanksgiving. 


Friday, November 10, 2017


In an ideal world, there would be no need of a day to celebrate those who served, fought, and died in wars past and present. In an ideal world there would be no occasion for the mistake and resulting tragedy war always is. There would not be such extremes that allow for such brutality. As is evident, this is not an ideal world. However, beyond surface hero worship, which is more aimed at manipulating consumer sentiments than honoring veterans, the deeper meanings resonate strongly. 

We joined for various reasons. Some more noble than others. Most served honorably, and a few did not. None the less, we are are here now. In the greater scheme of things, we went to war for various reasons. Sometimes for survival, and sometimes for hubris, but always because there were failures, a few months, a few years, a few centuries up stream which lead to violent resolution at the expense of those present, and those who later must resolve yet more unsolved problems with blood, both their own, and of innocents bystander. War indeed may be just or unjust, and may even be unavoidable, but it is always a mistake if its causes are traced far enough back. 

Even the most necessary justice is tragic. Even the greatest good can be tragic when brought into a world twisted enough to snap even when graced by the kindest compassion. Even the birth of Jesus himself resulted in Herod killing the male children of Judea. The ideal world does not exist. Rather, it is uncertainty, fear, and suffering we are subjected to. However, it may also be faith, hope, and love we turn to for light in the darkness. To do so, you must be in a position to do so. You must be challenged. You must have skin in the game. 

There are many paths to personal risk and unselfish sacrifice. Military service is one of the most visible and most extreme, thus it is appropriate to honor those who did and continue to serve. However, the path to bringing order out of chaos lays open to anyone willing to do so, starting with the things closest to them. Rather than simply raging against systemic injustice, strike up a conversation with the homeless alcoholic on your street corner. Rather than simply decrying oppression, support and encourage those around you suffering it. Rather than just pointing out what is wrong, fix it to the best of your abilities, and thank a veteran or two for risking to do the same.