The one thing we all share in common regardless of what age or status we were born to is that we all entered the world alone, and we will all leave it equally alone. Much has been said for nature verses nurture determining the course of our lives between the two poles of loneliness. Some are born to high status. Some into garbage dumps. Some die surrounded by loved ones, and some die on the street corner completely alone. Regardless, we were all born and we will all die. What happens between the two is not so much about the conditions that the one started and the other ended, but more about the choices we make between the two. You see, of all the things out of your control, you will always have control over your own reaction, if you so desire.
Freedom is a choice. It is a choice to accept the position as a single individual who is solely responsible for his or her actions. The tempest of reality brings its force to bare on all. It is always your choice how you will respond.
All humans suffer. The degree to which we suffer depends on the station to which me were born, but all suffer. To negate this is to ignore reality. To the degree that you suffer, make it meaningful.
Be that dark figure on the near shore who catches those who can't pay the fair across the River Styx. By that one to talk to the homeless alcoholic on the street corner. Be that one to care. Be the single individual who is willing to be the change you so desire.
Be truly human.